A “deep clean” for the inside of your tooth! Benefit from painless, straightforward root canal therapy
Therapies designed to access the root canals “clean” the insides of the teeth. In doing so, root canal therapy (RCT) can treat existing damage to the tooth. In fact, RCT may be the only way to preserve infected or deeply decayed teeth. Patients throughout southern California have saved their teeth and avoided dental extractions (tooth removal) by visiting Los Alamitos Dental Care.
Toothy truths about root canal treatment
The roots of the teeth are those structures that extend below the gumline and anchor your tooth into your jaw bone. They hold the visible crown and the rest of the tooth in place. Due to the presence of nerves, the pulp in the root is responsible for sensations of sensitivity, discomfort, and pain.
Patients may require RCT if they experience newfound or worsening tooth sensitivity when consuming sweet, hot, or cold beverages and foods.
RCT may also be on the horizon if you experience pain when biting down on food. The pain may linger long after the source of discomfort has been removed. Intense, jarring, persistent, or throbbing pain can be a sign of severe or deep inflammation or infection of the pulp. These symptoms may be accompanied by swelling.
Dental abscesses are serious infections. They can spread to other parts of the mouth, face, and body. Abscesses require prompt treatment and, in some cases, are a medical emergency.
One of our six talented dentists will evaluate your troublesome tooth. Depending on what is found, treatment to resolve symptoms and restore the tooth to health may involve fillings, inlays, onlays, or crowns. RCT is appropriate for when the pulp has sustained damage or trauma.
RCT largely involves:
- Administering a localized anesthetic for utmost comfort
- Opening up the crown or top of the tooth
- Accessing the root canals through specialized, precision techniques and instruments
- Removing the inflamed or infected tissues
- Cleaning out the canals
- Reshaping the canals once they have been properly sterilized
- Sealing off the treatment site with a special medicine material
- Allowing the tooth to heal
Medications may also be necessary to aid in clearing infections. A temporary restoration or crown is generally placed to protect the tooth further. We also recommend prompt restoration of the RCT-treated tooth with a permanent dental crown to avoid re-infection and root canal treatment failures.
Call (562) 539-0011 with questions or to schedule your appointment today.
Root Canal

Root canal therapy is a very common procedure. It has a reputation of being undesirable and painful. But when done properly it is actually painless. Every tooth in your mouth is composed of a crown and a root. When a cavity or bacteria penetrates the tooth, the root and its nerves become irritated. As a result, the bacteria within the pulp cavity needs to be removed and cleaned in order to restore the tooth to its healthy state. Following the procedure, the tooth is fragile and consequently is restored with the natural crown for a lifetime of durability. Root canals have a success rate of 95% or greater. Most root canal are diagnosed by patients’ sensitivities to a specific tooth. Be sure to consult your dentist any symptoms or discomfort occur.